Ireland at Venice – Minister Catherine Martin announces Irish representation at 61st Venice Art Biennale in 2026: artist Isabel Nolan

The Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sports and Media, Catherine Martin T.D. has announced the selection of artist, Isabel Nolan, with Georgina Jackson and The Douglas Hyde Gallery of Contemporary Art as the curator, to represent Ireland at the 61st Venice Art Biennale in 2026. The Venice Biennale is one of the most important international platforms for visual arts, attracting over half a million visitors, including global curators, gallerists, art critics, and artists. The...

Leigh Nios mo

Over €1.3 million in funding announced for Culture Ireland’s promotion of Irish arts globally

***List of grant offers available here*** Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin has announced funding of over €1.3m for the promotion of Irish arts globally through Culture Ireland’s Regular Grants Programme. The funding will benefit 140 projects taking place in over 20 countries, covering architecture, circus, dance, film, literature, music, theatre and visual arts. Announcing the grants, Minister Martin said: “It gives me great pleasure to announce this round of Culture...

Leigh Nios mo

Culture Ireland at WOMEX 2024

Culture Ireland at WOMEX 2024 Culture Ireland is supporting two Showcase Artists and five delegates to attend WOMEX, the Worldwide Music Expo taking place in Manchester, GB, from 23 – 27 October 2024. Now in its 30th year, WOMEX is one of the biggest conferences on the global music scene, featuring a trade fair, talks, films and showcase concerts. Over 2,600 professionals come together every October from 90 countries, making WOMEX one of the leading...

Leigh Nios mo

Culture Ireland – Budget 2025

Culture Ireland welcomes the allocation of €8million announced as part of Budget 2025. This allocation is the highest level of funding for Culture Ireland in its history and coincides with the 20th anniversary of Culture Ireland’s establishment. The allocation for next year is a 5% increase over 2024 and marks an increase of Culture Ireland funding of 74% over the last five years. Chair of Culture Ireland’s Expert Advisory Committee, Louise Donlon, commented: ”I would...

Leigh Nios mo

Meet the Irish (New York, January 2025) – Call for Artists

Culture Ireland invites submissions from Irish theatre and dance artists/companies who wish to participate in the Meet the Irish initiative which will take place in New York from 10 to 13 January 2025. Established in 2023, Meet the Irish is an opportunity for Irish artists and arts organisations to engage with North American presenters and festivals, many of whom travel to New York in January to attend a range of cultural conferences and festivals including...

Leigh Nios mo

Culture Ireland at Tanzmesse 2024

Culture Ireland is supporting five dance artists and companies to attend Tanzmesse, the three day industry showcase in Düsseldorf, Germany, taking place from 28 to 31 August 2024. Tanzmesse is a biennial event and an international hub for dance professionals around the world to network with agents, presenters and programmers and generate touring opportunities for their work. The Irish delegates participating in the 2024 edition of Tanzmesse are Carol Leavy Joyce, John Scott Dance, Junk...

Leigh Nios mo

Gairm ar Ealaíontóirí le Cur i Láthair ag International Theatre eXchange, Féile Drámaíochta Bhaile Átha Cliath, 2024

Tá Cultúr Éireann, i gcomhpháirtíocht le Féile Drámaíochta Bhaile Átha Cliath agus Institiúid Amharclannaíochta na hÉireann, ag lorg aighneachtaí ó ealaíontóirí/compántais Éireannacha ar mhaith leo faisnéis faoi shaothair nuachruthaithe a chur i láthair do thoscairí idirnáisiúnta mar chuid de International Theatre eXchange (ITX) na bliana seo le linn Fhéile Drámaíochta Bhaile Átha Cliath.   Tabharfar ardán do na hiarratasóirí a n-éireoidh leo chun a gcuid tionscadal a chur i láthair do na toscairí náisiúnta agus...

Leigh Nios mo

Nuashonrú – Spriocdhátaí Babhtaí Deontais Chultúr Éireann daingnithe do 2025

Inniu, d’fhoilsigh Cultúr Éireann a spriocdhátaí deontais do 2025. Beidh ceithre bhabhta deontais ann in 2025 a chlúdóidh gach deis gníomhaíochta i rith na bliana. Bunaithe ar aiseolas, táimid ag cur leis an amlíne gníomhaíochta do gach babhta freisin – sonraí iomlána thíos – seiceáil le do thoil go bhfuil do thionscadal incháilithe sula gcuirtear isteach é.  

Leigh Nios mo

Taispeáin is Inis Ag Féile Imeallach Bhaile Átha Cliath 2024 Gairm ar Ealaíontóirí/Compántais

Tá Cultúr Éireann, Institiúid Amharclannaíochta na hÉireann agus Féile Imeallach Bhaile Átha Cliath ag lorg iarratais ó ealaíontóirí/compántais Éireannacha ar mhian leo páirt a ghlacadh i dTaispeáin agus Inis, ar deis í chun buaileadh le cláraitheoirí agus láithreoirí náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta agus saothar a chur ina láthair, mar pháirt de Information Toolbox ag Féile Imeallach Bhaile Átha Cliath (13 & 14 Meán Fómhair 2024). Is é atá mar aidhm leis an tseisiún seo ná deis...

Leigh Nios mo

Fógraítear maoiniú os cionn €1.2m do Chultúr Éireann chun ealaíona na hÉireann a chur chun cinn ar fud an domhain

D’fhógair an tAire Turasóireachta, Cultúir, Ealaíon, Gaeltachta, Spóirt agus Meán, Catherine Martin maoiniú €1,230,750 chun ealaíona na hÉireann a chur chun cinn ar fud an domhain trí chlár deontais rialta Chultúr Éireann. Rachaidh an maoiniú chun tairbhe do 160 tionscadal scaipthe ar fud 40 tír, a chlúdóidh sorcas, rince, scannán, litríocht, ceol, ceoldráma, téatar agus na hamharc-ealaíona. Ag fógairt na ndeontas, dúirt an tAire Martin: “Tá ról lárnach ag Cultúr Éireann ag tacú le healaíontóirí...

Leigh Nios mo